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To God Be The Glory Forever and Ever Amen!

We believe in God

We Believe in The Holy Trinity, which is God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit which makes up The Entire Godhead of One God. Our God is The One True God who made Heaven and Earth and all who were made in them! Our God is The Almighty God of Israel. The One who was, and is, and is to come!

We strictly teach from The Holy Bible, and do not teach from any other books.

Our mission

To share Biblical Truth With The World as God says Go into all the world and preach The Gospel

Our Class

The Open Class Bible Study at Connection Point Church in Raytown, MO a Kansas City Suburb.
We are a large Bible Study with sometimes 200-300 people, but not usually under 100 at times.


Salvation is a free gift from God, solely paid for by The Blood of Christ. We believe that You must humbly Repent and ask Christ to Save You according to scripture. Salvation is on God's terms, not Ours!